September 27, 2010 NOTICE OF REFERENDUM


Town of Lincoln

November 2, 2010


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that at an election to be held in the Town of
Lincoln, on Tuesday, November 2, 2010 the following questions will be
submitted to a vote of the people:


1. Under state law, the increase in the levy of the Town of Lincoln
for the tax to be imposed in the next fiscal year, 2011, is limited to
3%, which results in a levy of $427,450.00. Shall the Town of Lincoln
be allowed to exceed this limit and increase the levy for the next
fiscal year, 2011, by a total of 71%, which results in a levy of

() YES

() NO

2. If the voters approve the increase in the tax levy for 2011, in the
amount of $300,000.00, shall that amount be applied to the standard
base levy, in each successive year, on an ongoing basis?

() YES

() NO


A copy of the entire text of the resolution directing the submission
of the question can be obtained from the office of the town clerk.


Done in the Town of Lincoln
on September 27, 2010


Shelly D. Sauvola
Town Clerk/Treasurer